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Blog Posts

Aug 27 2023

When Should I Replace My HVAC System?

Having a functional heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is crucial for every homeowner. This is because it is responsible for keeping the home adequately conditioned in different seasons. However, like every other home appliance, the HVAC system wears out with time and becomes less efficient. This inefficiency could cost you more money in utility bills and more discomfort in your home. As a homeowner, it’s important to know when to replace your HVAC system so you can make an informed decision. In this blog, the HVAC experts at Van Drunen Heating & Air Conditioning explain the signs to look out for when it is time to replace your HVAC system.

Your system has been in use for more than 15 years

The average lifespan of an HVAC system is around 15-20 years. If your HVAC unit is over 15 years old, it may start developing faults that could affect its efficiency. It would be best to prepare to replace it when you notice that the repairs are getting more frequent and more expensive.

Decreased Efficiency

As an HVAC system gets older, it becomes less efficient. You may notice a decrease in the quality of heating or cooling in specific rooms, higher energy bills, and longer waiting times for the HVAC system to reach the desired temperature. If these signs occur, you might want to consider replacing the system with a more efficient one.

Frequent and costly repairs

Another sign that you need a new HVAC system is when you have frequent repairs and expensive bills. The HVAC system must be properly maintained to prevent frequent breakdowns. However, if the repair bills keep adding up and the cost of frequent repairs outweighs the expense of replacing the unit, it may be time to consider installing a new unit.

Unusual Noise

When an HVAC system makes unusual sounds, it could be a sign of impending disaster. Rattling, banging, or grinding noises could indicate that something has come loose, broken, or is otherwise malfunctioning. If this is the case, you should consult an HVAC professional to assess the damages and recommend the best solution, which could be to replace the HVAC system completely.

Inconsistent Temperatures

If you notice that your HVAC system is generating hot or cold air inconsistently across the house, it could be a sign of irreversible damage. The HVAC system’s ductwork might have developed leaks or become clogged with debris over time, and this could harm the system’s overall efficiency. Hire an HVAC professional to assess the system and determine if the unit needs replacement.

Contact Van Drunen Heating & Air Conditioning  Today

Knowing when to replace your HVAC system can save you money and time and keep you comfortable throughout every season. Replacing your HVAC system when you’re supposed to will prevent you from incurring excessive bills, wasting valuable time on repairs, and feeling uncomfortable in your home. So, be vigilant and stay alert for the signs mentioned above. If you suspect that your HVAC system is due for replacement, contact Van Drunen Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule an appointment.



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